XP2F-D35 Data Logger, Flow Metering & Controller Package

The Cla-Val Model XP2F-D35 is a Data Logger, Flow Metering & Valve Controller Package option available for any Cla-Val control valve. The XP2F-D35 is comprised of the D35 Low Power Electronic Valve Controller, the e-Lift-35 Valve Position Transmitter, and two X141- PTV Pressure Transmitter assemblies. This package turns your Cla-Val valve into an all- encompassing Instrumentation package that includes Upstream Pressure, Downstream Pressure, Valve Position, Instantaneous Flow and Totalized Flow. When deployed across the system network the XP2F-D35 package allows for insight into pressure, leakage, flow and system distribution management. Inlet Pressure, Outlet Pressure, Valve Position, Flow, and Totalized Flow are retransmitted to Cla-Val Link2Valves Asset Management for data viewing and analysis